Sunday, 27 April 2014

Thirty Weeks down...

This week has been great! I love that it's been a busy week again. Plus it's been a three day work week which has been fantastic! 

On Easter Monday the sun was shining so we headed to Charlie's for breakfast, which, is just around the corner from the apartment. We then headed to the Boy Charlton Pool to do a bit of sunbathing.

As it was Easter weekend of course it made sense to buy an Easter egg!

Afterwards I headed to salsa at Bar100, as usual it was great fun. 

Tuesday the roommate and I headed to discounted Tuesdays at the Event cinema in the city. We watched The Other Women, which, was a really good laugh out loud movie. 

Thursday was dance training, it seems to be getting harder and harder. My dance teacher pointed out that I need to dance straighter as I bend my knees so I had to dance on my tiptoes! Check it out...

Friday was Anzac Day here in Australia which remembers all Australians who served and died in the wars. This meant that we had another day of work. whoo!

We therefore, decided to have a champagne breakfast and spend the rest of the day drinking!

The roommates and I had a few friends round to play some drinking games, before we headed to a few bars to play 'Two ups.' This seems to be the standard game played in all bars on Anzac day. It basically means that you bet heads or tails and whoever guesses right wins the money.

We headed to The Australia Hotel in The Rocks to play this game. As you can see it was packed and everyone was playing along! We then headed to The Orient also in The Rocks to have a few more drinks. We ended up having way too much to drink so we ended up going to bed at 9pm!

On Saturday we woke up pretty hungover, but we had to prepare ourselves for getting back on it. We headed to Rosebay Wharf so we could catch a water taxi to The Island. 

When we turned up we were worried about what to expect, especially, as the weather wasn't very good. However, the weather changed and after a few drinks we ended up getting in the mood. It therefore, ended up being a fantastic afternoon.

After The Island we headed back to our apartment to meet the rest of the housemates and have few more drinks before heading to Kings Cross Hotel. It was pretty busy there and the music was sooo good.

Sunday was spent recuperating even had to pass on salsa training, oops!

Hope you guys have had a good week too.

Keeping you posted.

Sarah x

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