Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Throw back Thursday... Heron Island...

After Brisbane I headed to my first island destination, Heron Island which was and has been my all time favourite place in Australia. I got a flight from Brisbane to Gladstone and from there a ferry to Heron Island. The journey on the ferry was very bumpy and lots of people were sea sick but once we pulled up to the island everyone immediately stopped moaning and realised we had arrived at paradise...
It was the perfect island destination. It couldn't have been more stunning that's for sure! If anyone is looking for a romantic destination this is it! 

The island was like a resort. It had all the essentials including restaurant, shop and bar. They also had a spa. I did sneak off to have a facial which was amazing! All the walls were glass so you could see outside into the woods but no one could see in. Perfect place to relax.

The island is very well know for its diving and snorkeling but, even if your not interested you can even see the wildlife from the sands, for example, I saw a shark trying to eat the fish and  I didn't even have to enter the water to see it.

Stay tuned for Part 3 coming soon... Throwback Thursday... Melbourne...

Keeping you posted.

Sarah x

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